Thursday, July 2, 2009


The Big Fish in my life started with the feeling I had that I wanted or needed more in my life. I had no idea what MORE was, but I definitely had a feeling of being stuck and needing a shove out of the mudhole in which I was mired.

I started attending a Tuesday night praise and worship service hoping that would fill the emptiness I felt. The services seemed only to make the hole feel even deeper. One evening the pastor spoke of how if someone feels that God is saying to do something, s/he should stop sitting on the fence and do what God is asking. I knew God was sending a message to me, but I was still struggling with what that really meant for me and my life.

Luckily (or it was a God moment) in January of 2008, Rev. Christopher George taught a course called "Creating a Life That Matters." This 18 week course was developed by MCC to help it's members find their calling and ministry, following the concept of ministry of all believers. I quickly discovered that this training was giving me the more I was missing.

By the time I was finished with the course, I knew that God wanted me to go back to school and develop my ministry. When I meditated, I asked God to tell me where to focus my ministry. The answer I got over and over again was "Wait." I didn't know if I need to go to seminary or one of the local colleges. Of course I had to keep asking God because what if I misunderstood what God said.

I waited through the summer and into the fall. Of course I don't mean that I sat around and did nothing. I continued to lead my Bible study group. Every opportunity that I got I preached at church. I began serving communion more often.

One day at work I was telling to a coworker and friend about my experience. Jessica said to me that she had known that I was feeling a calling for God. As soon as she started speaking, I knew that God wanted me to work with families and MCC to develop stronger, better relationships. I wasn't waiting any more. I also had the distinct feeling that I needed to get my master's in divinity which meant looking into programs in other cities and states.

Since January of '08, I haven't been craving MORE because God has been providing me with the guidance and stimulation that I was missing. I think each of us feel God trying to move us toward where we need to go. Sometimes God wants us to become more active in our spiritual home. Sometimes God is telling us to stop sleeping late on Sundays and get our butt to church. Sometimes God wants us to study and learn more by reading the Bible, the Koran, and other spiritual texts. The only way I can honor God is to follow the call that is placed on my heart.

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