What simple things in our lives can make us happy? For a long time I thought Christmas was about what presents I got. When I got older and presents didn't make me happy, I had a few miserable Christmases. When I finally stopped expecting gifts, I enjoyed Christmas more. I would get my hopes up for some great presents and when I didn't get them, I felt a huge let down. My whole Christmas was built around my expectations of great gifts.
Finally I started to figure out that I would find happier times looking forward to the little things. Sitting in the living room with my family after dinner is one thing I flash on when thinking of Christmas. Mom working in the kitchen in her church clothes and house slippers. I smile when I think of being with my church family as Christmas Eve turns to Christmas morning. Time with friends and families make my holidays much more joyful.
Do you look at Christmas with jaded eyes and a closed heart or do you see it that it is as exciting as a spork?