My church is beginning our yearly stewardship program. Every fall we spend several weeks talking about what being a good steward means. I used to cringe at the thought of this time at MCC Lubbock. Just the word stewardship brings back stressful memories.
My childhood church talked about stewardship one Sunday a year. Normally we would go to Sunday school and then go into the church service. However when Mom would look at the bulletin and see stewardship on the schedule, she would hustle us out to the car. I felt confusion and fear over why we had to leave so quickly. As I grew older, I found out the anxiety I picked up from Mom was associated with STEWARDSHIP!
Mom's attitude reflects what many people feel about stewardship. Churches often fixate only on money and giving "10%." Guilt is one of the major tools that is put on church goers: "Give us your money. Commit to an amount each month. Really YOU should give more money." Mom definitely felt pressure that she had to give a certain amount to the church. Considering that she supported our family with her salary as a teacher, she felt that the church's pressure was too much for her to handle. Also I think she felt that the church was trying to make her feel guilty.
What I've learned about stewardship at MCC Lubbock is that it is about so much more than money. Being a good steward means that I use the gifts which with God has blessed me. I am a natural teacher and I use my talent to educate others through a Bible study group as well as from the pulpit.
AND yes stewardship does aim to help each of us wisely use the money that we earn. God has given me the ability to earn a living and I chose to turn some of that back over to God. For more than five years I've been committing each year to give a certain amount of money to my church. I don't give 10% of my income. Each year I have allocated a little bit more money to the church. The important thing to me is following through with my commitment. I also feel it's significant for me to try to grow a little bit each year.
One thing that I have learned about giving to the church, 10% is expressed in the Hebrew Bible and not necessarily appropriate for me as a follower of Christ. I believe that for me as a Christian, I can use 10% as a goal and as a suggestion. God wants me to get my finances in order rather than living from paycheck to paycheck.
In 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Paul says:
Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.
I sometimes wish Mom could experience stewardship the way I have at MCC Lubbock. Her story is only one of how churches hurt people over money. I continue to share my childhood observances and my current understanding of stewardship with hopes that others will be able to overcome negative feelings and that we as a church remember to offer understanding and love to those who have suffered.
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