Each day before Christmas when my grandma was 8 years old,
she and her brother would walk to the post office which was about ½ a mile from
their house. She would hope and hope that there would be a big package for them
to bring home because that would mean that she had gotten the doll. Each day they would return with various
letters and packages, but none were big enough to be a doll. On Christmas Eve, Grandma was again
disappointed because no large package had arrived. She knew she wasn’t getting her doll.
On that day many years ago, my grandma was convinced that
Christmas was ruined because she wasn’t getting the doll. Being a little girl she
was still learning about giving and receiving.
I think as each of us have grown up we have had to learn about the joy
of giving.
Many of us enter into the season of Christmas expecting
great things and we are often disappointed when events don’t live up to our
expectations. We forget that the most
precious gift of this season is the memory of Jesus’ birth.